Aprovecho esta entrada para comunicar que traslado este blog a Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/tayeteart). Me he estado resistiendo a esa muerte anunciada que están sufriendo los blogs (aunque Tumblr - http://tayete.tumblr.com/ - está teniendo un curioso renacer), pero parece que Facebook se ha hecho con las riendas de la comunicación online.
Espero veros por mi página, y muchas gracias a todos los que habéis estado siguiendo este pequeño apartado de mi vida.
This last entry will serve to communicate that I am moving this blog to Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/tayeteart). I've been resisting to this slow death the blogs are suffering (though Tumblr - http://tayete.tumblr.com/ - is having a nice renascement), but it looks like Facebook has taken the lead in online communications.
I hope I will see you all there, and thanks a lot to all of you who have been following this little part of my life.
Donde se describen los avances de Tayete en el proceloso mundo de la acuarela, el óleo, los acrílicos, la pintura alla prima, y donde se desfacen algunos entuertos de fotografía
lunes, 4 de abril de 2016
Nueva sesión de desnudo

New nude session, in which I tried drawing directly (without previous pencil drawing) with Nogalina (walnut stain? It's a powder used to recolorate wooden furniture). Quite comfortable with it, though it isn't as workable as watercolor. Probably because I diluted it with water instead of vinegar, which seems to liquify it a bit more.
lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016
Volvemos a las sesiones de desnudo / Back to live nude sessions
Tras un montón de tiempo sin realizar sesiones de desnudo, este sábado pude volver a asistir a una. Lo echaba un montón de menos pues ahí es donde realmente se aprende, sobre todo rodeado de grandes artistas.
La modelo sabía realmente cómo posar, y quizás lo único que eché en falta era alguna pose algo más larga (todas fueron entre 1 y 10 minutos), pero todo se andará. La semana que viene más.

After a long time without live nude sessions, last saturday I was able to assist to one. I missed it a lot, as I feel it is there where I really improve, surrounded by great artists.
The model really knew how to pose, and maybe the only thing I missed was a pose a bit longer (all were between 1 and 10 minutes), but it will come along. Next week more!
La modelo sabía realmente cómo posar, y quizás lo único que eché en falta era alguna pose algo más larga (todas fueron entre 1 y 10 minutos), pero todo se andará. La semana que viene más.

After a long time without live nude sessions, last saturday I was able to assist to one. I missed it a lot, as I feel it is there where I really improve, surrounded by great artists.
The model really knew how to pose, and maybe the only thing I missed was a pose a bit longer (all were between 1 and 10 minutes), but it will come along. Next week more!
lunes, 25 de enero de 2016
50 -SketchCrawl
Ayer pudimos disfrutar de una jornada fantástica de pintura en el 50 SketchCrawl que, como siempre, organizó Joaquín (http://valladoliddibuja.blogspot.com.es/) fantásticamente. En esta ocasión acudimos un montón de artistas al Museo Patio Herreriano a su capilla, donde hay una instalación de Enrique Marty con el título "Alguien, creyendo que hacía algo bueno, liberó a las serpientes".
El reto consistió en visitar la instalación durante un buen rato, dedicar una hora a tomar apuntes de aquellos elementos que más nos habían impresionado, y posteriormente el Museo había preparado unas mesas con pintura y papel para que pudiéramos reinterpretar lo que habíamos apuntado.

Yesterday we could enjoy a fantastic painting day at Valladolid's 50th SketchCrawl which, as usual, was fantastically organized by Joaquín (http://valladoliddibuja.blogspot.com.es/). In this ocassion a lot of artists gathered at the Museo Patio Herreriano's chapel, where the reknownn artist Enrique Marty has installed his latest creation titled "Alguien, creyendo que hacía algo bueno, liberó a las serpientes" ("Someone, thinking he was doing something good, freed the snakes").
The challenge consisted on visiting the exhibition for a good time, spend an hour taking sketches from those elements that had shocked us the most, and then as the Museum had prepared some tables with paints and paper, recreate what we had sketeched.
It was wonderful meeting again old friends like Vicky, Juan Carlos, Joaquín, Curro, or Jesús and watching the master pieces all the participants (some coming from León or Salamanca) created.
Cristina Fontaneda (the Museum's Manager) attended us personally, which says a lot about who is steering the institution, and she even sent some pictures of my reinterpretation to Marty, who answered with a really warm approval which boosted my ego, as you may suppose.
El reto consistió en visitar la instalación durante un buen rato, dedicar una hora a tomar apuntes de aquellos elementos que más nos habían impresionado, y posteriormente el Museo había preparado unas mesas con pintura y papel para que pudiéramos reinterpretar lo que habíamos apuntado.

Fue una maravilla volver a encontar a viejos conocidos como Vicky, Juan Carlos, Joaquín, Curro, o Jesús y ver las obras que todos los participantes (algunos llegados de León y Salamanca) realizaron.
Cristina Fontaneda (Directora del Museo) estuvo atendiéndonos personalmente, lo que dice mucho de las manos en las que se encuentra la institución, e incluso envió fotos de mi "reinterpretación" al propio Marty que respondió muy elogiosamente, con lo cual, como comprenderéis mi ego se disparó al infinito.
Yesterday we could enjoy a fantastic painting day at Valladolid's 50th SketchCrawl which, as usual, was fantastically organized by Joaquín (http://valladoliddibuja.blogspot.com.es/). In this ocassion a lot of artists gathered at the Museo Patio Herreriano's chapel, where the reknownn artist Enrique Marty has installed his latest creation titled "Alguien, creyendo que hacía algo bueno, liberó a las serpientes" ("Someone, thinking he was doing something good, freed the snakes").
The challenge consisted on visiting the exhibition for a good time, spend an hour taking sketches from those elements that had shocked us the most, and then as the Museum had prepared some tables with paints and paper, recreate what we had sketeched.
It was wonderful meeting again old friends like Vicky, Juan Carlos, Joaquín, Curro, or Jesús and watching the master pieces all the participants (some coming from León or Salamanca) created.
Cristina Fontaneda (the Museum's Manager) attended us personally, which says a lot about who is steering the institution, and she even sent some pictures of my reinterpretation to Marty, who answered with a really warm approval which boosted my ego, as you may suppose.
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